Fraser and Dawn Jackson in South Africa

Jackson 2F&D

BLOG - Mission is a state of mind

After serving in Jos, Nigeria from 2012-2017, Fraser and Dawn followed God’s call to South Africa in November 2017. 

Many colleges in Africa are under-resourced and unable to give students the necessary books, journals and guides. NetACT, a South African Christian charity providing training to over 40 theological colleges in 14 countries, asked Fraser to develop an internet portal to make library, learning & teaching resources available to colleges throughout Africa. There'll be teaching and study guides, a secure place to store work, a manned helpline and a wealth of eBooks and journals. African church leaders of tomorrow will receive better training which in turn will strengthen the church they serve. 

Dawn is involved with bringing Restorative Justice courses to prisoners, helping them to see the effects of their crimes, take responsibility and, through Jesus, change. This not only offers a new start to the individual but helps to break the cycle which causes South Africa’s incredibly high crime rate.

To support Dawn and Fraser financially, please follow this link to set up a giving account with Stewardship (this allows gift aid to be collected on eligible donations):