Sunday and Festival Services
Sunday 16th February |
Sunday 23rd February |
Sunday 2nd March |
Ash Wednesday 5th March |
Sunday 9th March |
Sunday 16th March |
Sunday 23rd March |
St. Nicholas’, Haxey
11 a.m. Holy Communion |
11 a.m. Founders Day Parade service |
11 a.m. Holy Communion |
7 p.m. Deanery Service of Holy Communion in St. Andrew’s Church, Epworth |
11 a.m. Holy Communion |
11 a.m. Holy Communion |
11 a.m. Holy Communion |
St. Oswald’s, Crowle |
9.15 a.m. Holy Communion
9.15 a.m. Morning Prayer |
9.15 a.m. Holy Communion
7 p.m. Deanery Service of Holy Communion in St. Andrew’s Church, Epworth |
9.15 a.m. Family Service |
9.15 a.m. Holy Communion
9.15 a.m. Morning Prayer |
St. Martin’s, Owston Ferry |
3 p.m. Informal Worship |
9.15 a.m. Holy Communion
11 a.m. Holy Communion Service in St. Nicholas’ Church, Haxey |
7 p.m. Deanery Service of Holy Communion in St. Andrew’s Church, Epworth |
9.15 a.m. Holy Communion
3 p.m. Informal Worship |
9.15 a.m. Holy Communion
St. Oswald’s, Luddington |
7 p.m. Deanery Service of Holy Communion in St. Andrew’s Church, Epworth |
2 p.m. Holy Communion
St. Mary’s, Garthorpe |
7 p.m. Deanery Service of Holy Communion in St. Andrew’s Church, Epworth |