Sunday and Festival Services




16th February


23rd February


2nd March

Ash Wednesday

5th March


9th March


16th March


23rd March

St. Nicholas’,



11 a.m.

Holy Communion

11 a.m.

Founders Day Parade service

11 a.m.

Holy Communion

7 p.m.

Deanery Service of Holy Communion in St. Andrew’s Church, Epworth

11 a.m.

Holy Communion

11 a.m.

Holy Communion

11 a.m.

Holy Communion









St. Oswald’s,


9.15 a.m.

Holy Communion


9.15 a.m.

Morning Prayer

9.15 a.m.

Holy Communion


7 p.m.

Deanery Service of Holy Communion in St. Andrew’s Church, Epworth

9.15 a.m. Family Service

9.15 a.m.

Holy Communion


9.15 a.m. Morning Prayer









St. Martin’s,

Owston Ferry

3 p.m.

Informal Worship

9.15 a.m.

Holy Communion


11 a.m.

Holy Communion Service in St. Nicholas’ Church, Haxey

7 p.m.

Deanery Service of Holy Communion in St. Andrew’s Church, Epworth

9.15 a.m.

Holy Communion


3 p.m.

Informal Worship

9.15 a.m.

Holy Communion










St. Oswald’s,





7 p.m.

Deanery Service of Holy Communion in St. Andrew’s Church, Epworth

2 p.m.

Holy Communion












St. Mary’s, Garthorpe




7 p.m.

Deanery Service of Holy Communion in St. Andrew’s Church, Epworth




       A Worship Cloud               

Following the Corona Virus Pandemic, some practices in church have changed. Hand sanitizer is available in churches and should still be used. 
"The Peace" during services of Holy Communion is now shared simply by waving to one another, which cuts down on any possible transmision of viruses.

Holy Communion is now administered using the practice of simultaneous administration. This means that the consecrated bread will have been dipped in the chalice by the eucharistic president and then administered to each communicant individually.

This is done in the following manner:

  • The person administering wears disposable gloves.
  • Each wafer is taken from a special vessel, dipped individually and placed in the hand of the communicant.
  • Any remaining wine is safely consumed as the only person to have been in physical contact with it is the eucharistic president.

Please feel free to come and join us.